April 2024 Reviews & Ratings

This month turned out to be a good month for Amazon and Goodreads reviews and ratings. I’ve had 3 reviews and 9 ratings this month.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read one of my books and to leave a review or rating. I greatly appreciate your time and comments.

April Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars

Great Read (A Place of Darkness)

“Really enjoyed A Place of Darkness. Couldn’t put it down.” – Amazon Reviewer

5.0 out of 5 stars

Clever and Dark (People Behaving Badly)

“This was the first book by Ottini I’ve had the pleasure of reading. I wasn’t disappointed — it was a great offering of clever short stories, each with thoughtful insight about the wickedness which might be found in our friends and neighbors.” – Amazon Reviewer

5.0 out of 5 star

Good Book of Short Stories (Desperation Kills)

“I didn’t think I would care much for this book of short stories, but I did. I’m glad I gave it a change.” – Goodreads Reviewer

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Literary Humor

I have to believe that a book titled, The Art of Complaining has to be a tortured read.

By the way, when did complaining get elevated to an Art? LOL!

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World Book Day

Aprill 23rd is World Book Day.

Please show your support for independent authors by purchasing one of their books today.

Thank you.


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The Story Behind the Stories: The Twisted Road Ahead

Do you know the number one question I get asked by my readers?

“Where in the world do you get the ideas for the stories you write!”

The truth is, that the idea for a story comes from various sources. Sometimes it’s from a personal or shared life experience, sometimes it’s from a news story on television or something I read in a news publication. Often, it’s a combination of all of the above.

I’ve even had story ideas come to me in my sleep and I’ve had to jump out of bed in the middle of the night to write them down so I wouldn’t forget them. Believe me, there’s nothing more frustrating than waking up in the morning and knowing that, that awesome story your mind conjured up at 2 in the morning is long forgotten.

In any event, I thought you might find it interesting to know ‘the story behind the stories’ of some of the many tales I’ve published over the last 11 years.

So here we go, below are the thoughts, ideas and interesting tidbits that inspired the 8 stories found in my book – The Twisted Road Ahead: An Anthology of Short Stories.

Tormented Heart

The idea for this story popped into my head on one of my many visits to Bodega Bay, California. As I stood on the cliffs of Sonoma Coast State Park staring down at the vast and beautiful Pacific Ocean, I thought, When I die, wouldn’t it be nice to have my ashes scattered off this very spot into the Ocean.

That morbid, yet comforting thought is what lead to the premise of this twisted love story.

Blame It on the Weather

Something about TV Meteorologists (weather persons) and the idea that they are arrogant enough to believe they can predict what mother nature will do has never sat right with me. It’s easy to predict the weather when you have nothing at stake. When their predictions are wrong (which is 50% of the time) there are no consequences, they assume (correctly) that people will simply forget, and therefore they can move on to their next bold prediction.

But what if there were consequences when they are wrong? Would they still be so smug and callous with their predictions. This has always been a pet peeve of mine, so I decided to write a story about the consequences of being wrong. Try not to laugh!

The Beckoning Sunrise

A simple story about divorce and starting over. I’ve witnessed it many times in my circle of friends and family and each time the story is different. This is one of those stories.

One Shot to the Head

The idea for this story came to me as part of a reoccurring dream (some may call it a nightmare). I take my girlfriend out for a fancy expensive dinner only to discover that to my embarrassment I’ve either lost my wallet or forgotten it at home and of course home is never across the street.

This story takes place on Valentine’s Day and the reason for the main character not having his wallet takes a hilarious and, in the end a festinating spin.

Disturbing Conversations

This story is based on the idea that listening to the voices in your head can make you believe or imagine that things real… but are they? What is the definition of crazy? The writer in this story struggles to find out.


This story is based on article I read many years ago about the consequences of divorce and how it effects the children in a relationship. The article was about the strained relationship between a daughter and her mother, and how they (sadly) never made amends until it was to late.

My story explores a secret revealed by a mother on her dead bed to her daughter. The revelation explains why she divorced her husband and chose to be estranged from her daughter for all these years. 

The truth will change her daughter’s life forever… but will she be able to accept it.

A Toast to My Sorry Life

There are many reasons why couples choose to stay together through troubled marriages, but I’ve always wondered why they stay together when one of the couples is being unfaithful and flaunts it in the other spouse’s face.

This is a story about such a situation and how sometimes getting revenge is the best medicine.

Words to A Kill

This story has a personal twist. I know someone who I’d refer to as a ‘front seat driver’. Said person is simply unable or unwilling to control their disdain (both verbally and physically) when confronted by the sight of poor driving habits of any kind. They will glare at, gesture towards, or scream at drivers in other vehicles who are not driving in accordance with said persons standards.

I’ve warned this person about the possible consequences of their bad behavior, but it always fells on death ears.

The possible fallout from this type of behavior and in this case the crazy consequences are the highlight in this story. The main protagonist uses this behavior as a tool to settle a score.

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Amazon cracks me up

As far as I know, no one has ever accused Amazon of having a sense of humor, but this comes close.

In my latest Royalty/Sales report I discovered this interesting anomaly. Would anyone care to guess where ‘Other’ marketplace is located? Are they referring to a marketplace in Another Dimension or perhaps Other Planet? As far as I know Amazon has 22 well defined marketplaces, and ‘Other’ is not one of them.

I guess I’ll never know the answer to this question since I’ll be receiving 0% royalties from ‘Other’. LOL!

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Desperation Kills at the Book Gorilla

The Book Gorilla.com website, is featuring my eBook Desperation Kills today along with a number of other wonderful eBooks by Lincoln Childs, Kari Slaughter and Patricia Cornwell.

If you’re looking for a great read, please check out their many offerings.

Desperation Kills – Book Gorilla.com

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Do misspelled words drive you crazy?

There are times when I wish I could look away and unsee what I’ve just seen. This morning was one of those times.

I was at my local Starbucks (as I am every morning) and noticed a beautiful hand drawn sign advertising the latest fancy oatmeal drink added to their menu. The sign was colorful and well-crafted and obviously created by someone with an artistic flair. It stood about three feet tall and sat on the floor where you get in line to place your order.

In other words, it’s strategically placed where you can’t miss its message.

Although, I don’t care much about the product it’s advertising, it did serve its purpose… it made me look!

That’s when I noticed the blemish on an otherwise perfect sign. The words ‘no caffeine’ sat front and center, but caffeine was misspelt as in c a f f i e n e.  Yikes!

Just let it go, I thought, it’s simply an innocence spelling error on an otherwise beautiful sign.

Unfortunately, misspelled words drive me crazy, so I couldn’t do it. There’s no way I could come in here every morning and stare at that sign without noticing the glaring misspelling.

So, when my turn came, I immediately told the Barista about my discovery.

She smiled and replied, “Thank you, sir. I’ll be sure to tell the person who created the sign about the error as soon as she gets back from her vacation in two weeks.”

So there you have it. For the next two weeks, my goal is to attempt to unsee, what I’ve already seen.

Did I mention that misspelled words drive me crazy! LOL!

In the spirit of this post, I’d like to share a funny and truthful quote I read about spelling and grammar… I only wish I knew who to attribute it too.

“The surest way to find spelling and grammar mistakes is to hit send.”

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A Second Helping of Crazy at the Book Cave

The Book Cave website, whose motto is “Connecting the RIGHT readers with the RIGHT books” is featuring my book, A Second Helping of Crazy, today through Monday, April 15.

If you’re looking for the right book, please check out their offerings.

A Second Helping of Crazy – Book Cave (mybookcave.com)

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The Longest Distance between Two Hearts

Just when you thought it was safe, the Pathetic Poet Series returns.

– Humor me as I pretend to be a poet. LOL!

The Longest Distance between Two Hearts

As she moves towards me, I sense her passion.
Her eyes scan the landscape in meticulous cat-like fashion.
She knows it’s safe to speak, yet she can hardly be heard.
Draped in her perfume she struggles with her words.

She tells me that he broke her heart and filled her head with lies.
He told her she was special and promised her the sky.
But in the end, it amounted to nothing— not a blessed thing.
So now she tells me that she loves me and that it was never him.

She asks for my forgiveness, I struggle to oblige.
The emptiness of the heart is not something one can hide.
I may have sympathized with her story.
If for one moment, I believed she was truly sorry.

And so here we are, reunited yet apart.
Two lost souls and one broken empty heart.
Searching for that narrow path on the road back to yesterday.
Both of us knowing in our hearts, that love doesn’t work that way.

John D. Ottini©2024

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Bibliography 2015-2023

Bet you can’t read just one!


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