The Black & Blue Butterfly Tattoo – Hardcover Release

For all of the hardcopy aficionados out there, I’m pleased to announce that The Black & Blue Butterfly Tattoo is now available in hardcover.

Psychiatrist Braydon Ferrell may be well equipped in treating patients with mental disorders and addictions, but that doesn’t grant him immunity from the follies of human weakness.

When an ill-advised sexual liaison with an unstable associate leads to lies and harassment, threatening to unravel his marriage, family and practice, Dr. Ferrell makes a cowardly decision to hide the affair from his ailing wife.

Unfortunately, affairs are messy and rarely remain hidden. When his former lover is found murdered, Dr. Ferrell becomes the target of a police investigation, has his life threatened by a stranger, and starts to believe that his wife may already know more than she is saying.

As the list of suspects dwindle, and the finger of guilt begins to point in Dr. Ferrell’s direction, he is faced with the ethical dilemma of breaking his doctor-patient confidentially in order to expose one of his patients, who may be involved in the murder.

When every attempt to maintain his innocence proves disastrous, Dr. Ferrell knows he must reveal the truth to his family. Will it ultimately prove him innocent? More importantly, will his marriage, family and practice survive the consequences of his careless actions?

The Black & Blue Butterfly Tattoo – Now available in hardcover – $13.99

Get your copy at –

About jdonovels

Author of mystery stories and more
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