Pssst! – Only 60 days until Christmas!

Time to order your copy of A Very Furry Christmas: Holiday Cat Tales.

 A Very Furry Christmas: Holiday Cat Tales is available in eBook, paperback, and hardcover format. Download an eBook copy for yourself (only $0.99), order a hardcover ($11.99) or paperback ($4.99) version for a friend, another for a family member, one more for someone you love or even someone you hate.

Open your heart… you’ll be a better person for it. Order today and make sure you receive the book in time for Christmas.

You can purchase your copy directly from at  A Very Furry Christmas – $4.99/$11.99 or from the website(s) of third-party booksellers such as BAM (Books A Million), Barnes and Noble, and others.

Here’s a small sample of what reviewers on Amazon are saying about, A Very Furry Christmas.

  • “I loved this book! Short stories that touch your heart. The perfect book for me is one that captures me from the very beginning! A Very Furry Christmas did just that! It is a quick read with love, emotion, and adventure! Don’t miss out on this book or any others by author, John Ottini. He is such a talented writer!!”
  • “This book had me in tears for the stories were so good and thought provoking. This time of year has us all focused-on gifts, not on giving aid to our fellow humans and those who rely on us. This book makes it clear to us the real reasons we are here on earth.”
  • “Sweet and heartwarming tales about relationships between owners and their four-legged children. This book which contains 4 short stories is touching and leaves you wondering who rescued who. Worth the read.”
  • “I loved reading this book; wish it had more stories, though. All four stories were well written, and I couldn’t put the book down. I truly enjoyed how the author gave all the cats in the stories human qualities and thoughts! I would definitely read this author’s work in the future.”
  • “Every story touched my heart. From the man who mourns his wife to the priest who is losing his faith, all the stories have a powerful message of love, strength and courage–all centered around animals. It’s a quick read, but still time for a few tears here and there. Very heart-warning and pleasant. I loved it.”
  • “I was expecting happy, warm, and fuzzy stories. Instead each story had its own tragic moments but ended with affirming life and overcoming the tragedy. I cried for each one.”

Thank you for all the wonderful reviews. Your kind words touch my heart every time I read them.

Peace on earth and goodwill toward all.


About jdonovels

Author of mystery stories and more
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